Diagnostic assessment services that facilitate strength-based approaches in action

Diagnostic Assessment

A diagnostic assessment will provide a detailed picture of how an individual processes information, identifying both strengths and challenges and so providing a way forwards, whether for an employee in the workplace or a student in education.

If you think you might have dyslexia or another form of specific learning difference (SpLD)/ neurodiversity and you would like to know for certain, or if you would simply like to know more about how you process information, a diagnostic assessment will give you the answers. Alternatively, you might need a new assessment if your previous one was a long time ago, or if you are in a new situation, for example, you are entering university, (please see our University / Higher Education page ) or if you will be taking professional examinations at work (please see our Neurodiversity in the Workplace page).

By coming to us, you are assured of a quality assessment and report. All our assessors are highly qualified, experienced and skilled as well as being friendly and encouraging to work with.

Our diagnostic assessments will identify whether there is evidence for dyslexia, dyspraxia (or Developmental Coordination Disorder – DCD), attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder (ADHD) non-medical diagnosis, or other type of neurodivergent profile.

The identification of ADHD in this assessment is to provide evidence for educational or workplace support. It is a non-medical diagnosis and therefore does not provide access to medication.

We also offer full dyslexia diagnostic assessments for children aged 8 and upwards (please see our School page).

What does an assessment involve?

The diagnostic assessment provides detailed information about the individual’s particular profile, identifying personal strengths as well as the challenges. It looks at general cognitive abilities, for example, verbal skills, memory, perception and various types of processing, as well as literacy skills. The assessment will also consider other factors that impact learning and performance, for example, emotional or environmental factors.

We would gather background information on developmental, educational and/or occupational history via a straightforward questionnaire in advance of the appointment. A detailed report, with recommendations is provided. The assessment report is written in a clear and accessible way so it can be easily understood.

Getting an Assessment

When there is an understanding of neurodiversity in the workplace, it enables employees and organisations to improve performance and productivity. In education, understanding and awareness enables students to thrive.

College and University

For students at College and University, our assessment reports include recommendations for specific assessment / examination adjustments, as well as for approaches to academic work appropriate for this higher level of study.

For a student in Higher Education, or about to enter Higher Education, our assessment reports can be used to apply for the Disabled Student’s Allowance (DSA).  All our assessors have current practising certificates through their professional bodies and are licensed to carry out such assessments.  Our assessment reports follow all the guidelines of the SpLD Assessments Standards Committee (SASC – www.sasc.org.uk), the body which sets the best practice guidelines for diagnostic assessment in the UK.

The DSA funding provides additional financial help for students in Higher Education who have dyslexia or related specific learning difficulties. It can provide the funding for individual specialist study skills tuition as well as the purchase of specialist software and equipment.

Further details about the DSA are available on the ‘directgov’ website. A booklet called ‘Bridging the Gap’, a guide to the Disabled Students’ Allowance, can be downloaded from the Student Finance NI website.

Primary, Secondary and School Sixth Form

For those at school / college, we include specific recommendations for examination adjustments as appropriate for the level of study for the student.  For those taking examinations under the Joint Council of Qualifications (JCQ) regulations, for example, GCSE or A levels, we would need to receive information from the School / College in advance of the assessment.  Parents should contact the Neurodiversity Achievement office and we will explain the process.

Workplace Assessment Routes

Employees with a specific learning difference (SpLD) such as dyslexia and dyspraxia can ask their employer for adjustments to support them in their work.

A common route for gaining adjustments is for the employee to gain a full diagnostic assessment report, normally supported by Human Resources (HR) which is followed by a Workplace Needs Assessment (WPA), which is a discussion with the employee and the manager/s exploring the specific requirements needed by the employee to enable them to carry out their work efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions: